

First of all, thank you for thinking about contributing to PyPSA!

We strongly welcome anyone interested in PyPSA and all it’s related projects, be it with new ideas, suggestions, submitting bug reports or contributing code changes.

How to contribute

  • Code: Implement new features, fix bugs, or improve the performance.

  • Documentation: Improve the documentation by adding new sections, fixing typos, or clarifying existing content.

  • Examples: Showcase your work, which could be useful for others.

Where to go for help

  • In case of code-related questions, please post on stack overflow.

  • For non-programming related and more general questions please refer to the mailing list.

  • To discuss with other PyPSA users, organise projects, share news, and get in touch with the community you can use the discord server.

  • For troubleshooting, please check the troubleshooting in the documentation.

  • For guidelines to contribute to PyPSA, stay right here.


Contribution workflow in a nutshell

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub

  2. Clone your fork: git clone<your-username>/PyPSA.git

  3. Install with dependencies in editable mode: pip install -e .[dev]

  4. Setup linter and formatter, e.g pre-commit install (see Code Style)

  5. Write your code (preferably on a new branch)

  6. Run tests: pytest (see Testing)

  7. Push your changes to your fork and create a pull request on GitHub

Code Style#


We run a couple of tools via pre-commit to ensure a consistent code style and to catch common programming errors or bad practices before they are committed. Don’t worry, you can just start coding and the pre-commit will tell you if something is not right.

It is already installed with the development dependencies, but you can also install it manually via pip install pre-commit or conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit.

To use it automatically before every commit (recommended), just run once:

pre-commit install

This will automatically check the changes which are staged before you commit them.

To manually run it, use:

pre-commit run --all

This will check all files in the repository.


One of the tools that is run by pre-commit is Ruff, which is our linter and formatter. It combines common tools like Flake8, Black, etc. Besides pre-commit, you can also run it via your CLI (see Ruff installation)) or IDE (e.g. VSCode plugin). This will help you to keep your code clean and consistent already during development.

Ruff is also already installed with the development dependencies, but you can also install it manually using pip install ruff.

To use the linter in your CLI, run:

ruff check . --fix

This will check all files in the repository and gives you hints on what to improve. The --fix flag will also automatically fix some of the issues, if possible. Some issues need to be fixed manually.

And to run the formatter, use:

ruff format .

This will format all the files in the repository and immediately apply the changes to them. It is basically the same as Black.


It is not mandatory to use either Ruff or pre-commit. We will also be running it in our CI/CD pipeline. But it’s highly recommended, to make everyone’s life easier.


Unit testing is performed with pytest which is installed with the development dependencies.

The tests can be found in the test/ folder and can be run with:


Or to run individual tests:


Power flow is tested against PYPOWER (the Python implementation of MATPOWER) and pandapower.


Note that PYPOWER 5.0 has a bug in the linear load flow, which was fixed in the github version in January 2016.


Note also that the test results against which everything is tested were generated with the free software LP solver GLPK; other solver may give other results (e.g. Gurobi can give a slightly better result).

Unit testing is also performed in the CI/CD pipeline, similar to the linting and formatting.


We strive to keep documentation useful and up to date for all PyPSA users. If you encounter an area where documentation is not available or insufficient, we very much welcome your contribution.

For bigger changes, we recommend to make them locally. Just follow the steps in Code to set up your local environment. In addition you can:

  1. Also install the documentation dependencies via pip install -e .[docs].

  2. Make your changes in the corresponding .rst file under the doc folder.

  3. Compile your changes by running the following command in your terminal in the doc folder: make html

    • You may encounter some warnings, but end up with a message such as build succeeded, XX warnings.. html files to review your changes can then be found under doc/_build/html.

For simple changes, you can also edit the documentation directly on GitHub:

  1. If you are on the documentation page, click on the little book icon on the bottom left with v: latest, which indicates the version/ branch. Edit under “On GitHub” will bring you straight to the source file.

  2. Make your changes in the file.

  3. Commit your changes and create a pull request.


If you are not familiar with reStructuredText, you can find a quick guide here. It is quite simple and you should be fine with just keeping the structure of the existing files.


Nice examples are always welcome.

You can even submit your Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) directly as an example. Please run the linter (see Code Style) to ensure that the notebook is clean and metadata is removed.

Then for every notebook:

  1. Write the notebook (let’s call it foo.ipynb) and place it in examples/notebooks/foo.ipynb.

  2. Provide a link to the documentation: Include a file foo.nblink located in doc/examples/ with the following content:

    {‘path’ : ‘../../examples/foo.ipynb’}

    Adjust the path for your file’s name. This nblink allows us to link your notebook into the documentation.

  3. Link your file in the documentation:

    • Include your examples/foo.nblink directly into one of the documentations toctrees

    • or tell us where in the documentation you want your example to show up

  4. Commit your changes and create a pull request.

The support for the .ipynb notebook format in our documentation is realised via the extensions nbsphinx and nbsphinx_link.