If you use PyPSA for your research, we would appreciate it if you would cite the following paper:
T. Brown, J. Hörsch, D. Schlachtberger, PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis, 2018, Journal of Open Research Software, 6(1), arXiv:1707.09913, DOI:10.5334/jors.188
Please use the following BibTeX:
author = {T. Brown and J. H\"orsch and D. Schlachtberger},
title = {{PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis}},
journal = {Journal of Open Research Software},
volume = {6},
issue = {1},
number = {4},
year = {2018},
eprint = {1707.09913},
url = {},
doi = {10.5334/jors.188}
If you want to cite a specific PyPSA version, each release of PyPSA is stored on Zenodo with a release-specific DOI: