
There are extensive examples available as Jupyter notebooks. They are also available as Python scripts in pypsa/examples/ and pypsa/test/ in the PyPSA github repository.


See pypsa/examples/scigrid-de.

The script add_load_gen_to_scigrid.py takes the SciGRID network for Germany, attaches load and conventional generation data and exports the resulting network.

The script scigrid-lopf-then-pf.py then performs a linear OPF on the network for several hours, expanding any lines where capacity is needed.

Then the resulting optimised dispatch is run through a full non-linear Newton-Raphson power flow.

AC-DC meshed example

See pypsa/examples/ac-dc-meshed/.

This computes an example with three synchronous AC areas:

  • The UK (Manchester, London, Norwich)

  • Germany (Frankfurt and Bremen)

  • Norway (a single node)

London and Bremen are connected by a point-to-point HVDC Link.

Norwich, Bremen and Norway are connected by a three-node, three-line DC network.

The example scripts do LOPF and LPF.

Storage and HVDC OPF example

See pypsa/examples/opf-storage-hvdc/

System capacity optimisation with storage, AC and DC.

Example of linear optimal power flow with coupling to the heating sector

See pypsa/examples/coupling-with-heating/ and http://www.pypsa.org/examples/lopf-with-heating.html.

In this example three locations are optimised, each with an electric bus and a heating bus and corresponding loads. At each location the electric and heating buses are connected with heat pumps; heat can also be supplied to the heat bus with a boiler. The electric buses are connected with transmission lines and there are electrical generators at two of the nodes.