Quick Start#

For installation instructions see Installation.

See also the Basic Usage examples with executable Jupyter notebooks.

In principle, PyPSA networks can be assigned with

import pypsa
import numpy as np

network = pypsa.Network()

Components like buses can be added with pypsa.Network.add() or pypsa.Network.madd()

#add three buses
n_buses = 3

for i in range(n_buses):
    network.add("Bus", "My bus {}".format(i),  v_nom=20.)

The same counts for lines, generators and loads, see the list of all components Components.

    #add three lines in a ring
for i in range(n_buses):
    network.add("Line", "My line {}".format(i),
                bus0="My bus {}".format(i),
                bus1="My bus {}".format((i+1)%3),

#add a generator at bus 0
network.add("Generator", "My gen",
            bus="My bus 0",

#add a load at bus 1
network.add("Load", "My load",
            bus="My bus 1",

Note that fixed values of active and reactive power are set with p_set and q_set respectively. After initializing, there are plenty of options what you can do with your network. The examples section gives a broad overview.